Home Sleep Apnea Testing
Find out if Obstructive Sleep Apnea is preventing you from getting a good nights’ sleep!
The test is easy and performed in the comfort of your own bed. A referral from a Physician is required.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a condition in which an individual experiences involuntarily pauses in breathing for brief periods of time during sleep. The impact of consistently interrupted sleep has been proven to have negative impacts to overall health and wellbeing.

Risks and Symptoms of OSA

What is your risk for sleep apnea?
Pre-screening questionnaire – not a diagnosis.

How the test works
You can go to bed in your own house at your regular bedtime. When you are ready to sleep, you will attach the sensors to your body as instructed. In the morning, you will remove the sensors and you’re done!
If your test results are positive, we will discuss therapy options for you and help you on your path to a healthier sleep!